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FDA Approved rPET Sheets

Customized To Your Needs And Specifications

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Technology used:
Technology used:

Our rPET Sheet Operation:


No Intermediaries.

Meaning that there are no commercialization levels that increase the price of your materials. Therefore, we can truly offer the most competitive prices.


Circular Economy.

Send plastic and recyclable waste back to the production stage. Thus, reducing the amount of new materials needed and reducing waste that ends up harming our environment. 


FDA approved.

This ensures the quality of our products. Meaning that they do not have to go through a secondary inspection.



In just North America, more than 1.6 billion pounds of PET thermoforms are thrown away every year. Only about 10% are recovered. The purpose of tray 2 tray is to label products that directly aid the thermoforming recycling effort. 

Recycling PET Thermoforms


Full Control Of The Process

Allowing Us To Give You Better Quality

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